
In 2018, Huang Wei, the vice mayor of Harbin visited the company

In 2018, Zhi Dayong, the deputy mayor of Harbin inspected the company

In 2018, Zhu Qingwen, the chairman of General Union of Heilongjiang Province visited and sent support to the company

In 2014, Qu Lei, the deputy mayor visited the company for investigation and survey

In 2013, Song Xibin, the Mayor of Harbin visited the company

In 2013, Liu Xin, the deputy mayor visited the company

ADD : No.7 Dianchi Street, Centralized District, Yingbin Road, High-Tech Developing Zone, Harbin, China.
TEL : 0451-58699963 / 0451-84674449
莱州市| 同仁县| 平武县| 兴山县| 吉木萨尔县| 通城县| 江口县| 思南县| 浦县| 明光市| 绩溪县| 平乡县| 银川市| 沙湾县| 罗平县| 双峰县| 扎鲁特旗| 呈贡县| 高平市| 嘉鱼县| 同德县| 汪清县| 会理县| 北京市| 郑州市| 彭州市| 西宁市| 宿松县| 阳新县| 鄂州市| 望城县| 咸丰县| 怀化市| 阳东县| 梁平县| 潮州市| 兴国县| 建湖县| 东城区| 射洪县| 柳河县|